It’s difficult to tell what the long term effects of the pandemic will be. However, it is safe to do photo shoots during this pandemic for now.

As a professional photography company, we have embraced the need to reduce the spread of COVID-19 through social distancing, including shelter in place orders when they are in effect.

The primary change that has happened for us is that our photoshoots have largely moved outdoors.

By adhering to guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control, photography businesses have been able to reopen safely, and at the same time, contribute in to the emotional and financial healing process that needs to take place in a post-COVID-19 world.

PPE such as masks and gloves are to be used by our staff at all times while working with our clients and we will continue with this measure through the end of phase 3 as outlined in recently released federal guidelines that were released here:

The 321HeadShots team maintains social distancing, using no-touch posing methods when at all possible and capturing your pictures from a safe distance.

We would also like to urge our staff and clients to, above all, be good and responsible community citizens while the whole world works our way out of this crisis.